Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wealthy Bums - Wealthy Affiliate University is the Real Deal!

This is a website created by 5 former members of the Wealthy Affiliate University. Prior to joining, we knew nothing about internet marketing. It was so hard to make even a penny online using Adsense or other services. That was when Peter found Wealthy Affiliate University.

Here's what he has to say:

"Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal. Carson and Kyle offer great support, and there are a lot of great Wealthy Affiliate members you will meet in the Wealthy Affiliate forum who don't hold back in helping each other out.

Carson and Kyle just launched Wealthy Affiliate 2.0, and the resources you will find at Wealthy Affiliate just keep getting better and better. While the focus is on Google Adwords, Wealthy Affiliate is incorporating many other types of internet marketing strategies in the members area.
Please note, however, that making money online with the techniques and tactics you will learn at Wealthy Affiliate will take a lot of hard work, but this is a great place to learn internet marketing, and you will learn many internet marketing tactics as Carson and Kyle continue to add new resources as Wealthy Affiliate continues to grow. "
This is our website. We want to educate you about Wealthy Affiliate University because it helped us all such a great deal that we are now making 100 dollars a day (or a little less). This is with only completed the 8-week program. Stay tuned as we keep a 120 day diary of our adventure through Internet Marketing.

If you lack motivation, you should seriously considering joining the program just so you can be supported and loved by the community, which features users from all walks of IM. There are noobs, seasoned professionals, and people who are making over a million dollars a day. It's crazy! The crazier thing is that they all answer your questions pretty much on demand. They will actually take the time to listen to you and will even look at your websites to offer tips and experiences.

If you're ready to join, we definitely recommend it. We've been through the 8 week program, downloaded the tutorials, and learned a great Internet Marketing base to develop all of our niches and earn over 3 thousand a dollars in autopilot cash. We all joined for 12 months because 1 month is just too soon (Plus the 8 week plan requires two months to complete). You won't regret joining Wealthy Affiliate University!

Thanks for joining us,
Wealthy Bums Team